Monday, July 6, 2009

Taketi and Uloomu

I do not know why I have chosen to believe that you would change. I know there is no pleasing you. No matter what I do, it will always be wrong. I do not like to say "I give up" but in this respect, I do. I will live fully to my own beliefs. In respect to you, I will not argue with you on our conflicting thoughts. You can believe as you wish; you won't believe the truth anyways. I will continue to love you. I only wonder if you will do the same.
I am not my mother nor do I aspire to be her. I am I. A sentient being shaped from my own perceptions and being honest, some societal conformities.
I am not you nor will I ever be confined to your statutes. I couldn't live like that. I wonder how can you.

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