Saturday, February 23, 2008

My Life in a bookstore

"This country is no longer a democracy it's a totalitarian regime. I'm catholic and people who believe in birth control are heretics. It's all heresy. If you don't speak you mind then those people who hate freedom of speech win!" (crazy fanatic guy in the store)

"Are you saying birth control is bad?......" (little, sweet old Scottish woman)

"SHUT UP! Your opinion doesn't matter go back to your own country and leave America to Americans." (crazy fanatic guy in the store)

"What's the problem here?" (me)

"She needs to go back to her own country and stop screwing up America. That's the problem. Immigrants!" (crazy fanatic guy in the store)

"But aren't we all immigrants to this country." (me)

"I'm not an immigrant. I was born here." (crazy fanatic guy in the store)

"But....this country is made up of immigrants. Umm, Ellis Island....." (me)

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