Today I went to BevMo to pick up 4 mini alcohol bottles for Megan, Chris, Emmanuel and I. I bought a mini smirnoff, a mini raspberry smirnoff, a mini absolut raspberry and a mini absolut mandarin. Of course the mini raspberry smirnoff was mine.
I text messaged the three which bottles they wanted, first come first served. Megan responded first. This is very scary since she is a nurse. I guess it was a slow day. Either that or someone may be dead out there. Anyways, she asked for the absolut raspberry. I kinda assumed she would because it is a girly drink.
What's funny is that Chris text messaged next but he too asked for the raspberry one. My first thought was: "what a pansy." Therefore, I told him it had already been taken. His response was: "Bogus, I'll take whatever then. I hate Megan. I'll drink her soul."
I don't know why he thinks he can drink peoples souls but we all just humor him.
This all took place at 3:51pm.
Conversation over right? Wait, what about Emmanuel? Well I received a text from him too.......at 8:30pm. Remember that first come first served thing? He asked for the raspberry too, so that's 2 pansy asses. I wonder which one J.R. would of picked if he was in the running.....
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