The happy mood I have been exuding has not been on account of my crush; it is on what he represents. He represents the change I have undergone; he represents my readiness to proceed. I had always thought I would forever be a broken, unfixable being that would never be able to allow or want to allow anyone inside. I never wanted to face the negative consequences. I didn't want to believe in people only to have my beliefs destroyed. I'm not afraid of that anymore. If I'm destined to end the way my mother did then so be it. I'll not shelter my feelings and heart anymore. I've had a heavy dose of epiphany and now I'm ready. I'm more confident in whom I am and what I can do. I am going to grab the bull by the horns so to speak and not let life pass me by.
Mr. Smiles, the symbol, has allowed me to realize this. The long buried emotion he has evoked is what I'm ecstatic about. It shows that I am mended; that I can be interested in someone real.
I wonder if there is something special about him that has educed this feeling or if I educed it for myself. I do know that I like his open and easy smile.
It's going to be a bumpier road but I'm ready for it. I just hope the world is ready for me.
Learn to love; it's the only true thing left in the world.
Happy New Year everyone.
Good luck.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
The Visit
I'm planning on visiting my mother tomorrow. I honestly do not know why I feel the need but I do know that I have this strange urge to sit at her memorial site. It probably wouldn't be safe for me to go alone but I have never done so and believe it is necessary before this year is over.
There is a connection I am missing. There is something unresolved that needs be. I lost my mother at age 11 under unexpected circumstances. It's time I figured out how affected my developing mind was to seeing what I saw that morning. I lost her at an age when having a female presence is paramount. In a previous post I jokingly asked why I didn't have a boyfriend but I have always know that it is because of that incident.
I've had to figure life out on my own. I guess I can be rather slow sometimes. You can be educated with all the information in the world but without experience to back you up you can be just as lost. Everything does indeed take time.
There is a connection I am missing. There is something unresolved that needs be. I lost my mother at age 11 under unexpected circumstances. It's time I figured out how affected my developing mind was to seeing what I saw that morning. I lost her at an age when having a female presence is paramount. In a previous post I jokingly asked why I didn't have a boyfriend but I have always know that it is because of that incident.
I've had to figure life out on my own. I guess I can be rather slow sometimes. You can be educated with all the information in the world but without experience to back you up you can be just as lost. Everything does indeed take time.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
I love puns. I'm no good at them myself, but I am amazed and fascinated by those unique individuals that can deliver them with ease.
I heard this today and it brightened my day (I guess I'm easy lol)
"You can tune a guitar, but you can't tuna fish. Unless of course, you play bass."
Awesome wasn't it?
I heard this today and it brightened my day (I guess I'm easy lol)
"You can tune a guitar, but you can't tuna fish. Unless of course, you play bass."
Awesome wasn't it?
Something Blue
I've decided for the new year to take up Haiku. This is my first go at it so go easy on me (that's what she said.)
Blissful then forlorn,
sits the manic depressive couple
on their white wedding.
Blissful then forlorn,
sits the manic depressive couple
on their white wedding.
2 1/2 Years worth of blogs
I decided to put my old Myspace blog posts on here. Reading a lot of them I am surprised how much I have changed. Some sentiments are the same and I do still have the same humor to an extent, but I realize that I have matured. Yes, it is possible. So, just in time for the New Year, here are my blogs from the past 2 1/2 years.
2.7.06 - Baby Steps
What the hell are baby steps? That is the question isn't it? Does that mean the steps are the size of a baby's foot? If that is true then which baby's foot are we discussing? Is there a set average? What about all those BIG babies on Maury Povich; their feet are really big. Are baby steps just metaphorical ie. babies are small and just learning to walk therefore they learn a tiny step at a time. That's boring. I choose the former and go with those that show up on Maury. Why you may ask....... cause Maury is da man. Come on now....."so and so you are not the father" that's classic stuff right there.
2.10.06 - When is it really peanut butter jelly time?
Peanut butter jelly time, we all have heard of it but when does it occur? Do we always need both peanut butter and jelly? What if the grocery store only has peanut butter or only jelly? Are we screwed?
Why is it peanut butter and jelly time? Couldn't it be bacon and eggs time, or pork chops and potatoes time?
While on the subject, why must we use a baseball bat? Couldn't a spoon or butter knife do? Hmmmmmmm......makes you wonder huh?
I wonder, where is he at and where did he go?
P.S. I am so bored.
2.20.06 - Drama for your Mama
Drama can be really funny at times especially if you're involved in the drama. How you may ask can drama possibly be funny, well it is only funny when you don't care what the outcome is. Only twisted individuals like myself can really appreciate the thrill that is drama (I can name a couple of myspace twisted individuals like myself but that is for another day). MJB said no more drama but I say entertainment at its best. If you haven't heard: "like sands through the hour glass, and so are the days of our lives".
2.20.06 - Why Starbucks is hell
Starbucks is hell everyone. They tore down a fast food restaurant where I live to put up a Starbucks. If that isn't enough to prove that Starbucks is in league with the devil, I don't know what would convince you. What the hell? People would rather have coffee than food? There are too many addicts roaming around. Those who work at Starbucks are helping the devil collect his souls (they know who they are.........wink, wink). Therefore, I'm going to need an old priest and a young priest to expel the demon that is Starbucks out of our world. Who is with me?!!
P.S. I am completely serious......well almost completely.
3.28.06 - Personal Space
Personal space, is that so hard to ask for? I'm not talking about when your friends just won't leave you alone or when your parents and family members are always bugging. Nope, that is for another time. What I'm talking about is much, much worse. It is so bad that it just may be one of the signs of the apocalypse. Take a deep breath *whoooosh*.
I mean what the hell guys? I was at Disneyland with Stacy on Saturday night (we went to have dinner) and we decided to go on Space Mountain since it opened up a while ago new and improved. By the way it sucked and Stacy almost threw up her chicken skins, but I digress. While in line (an hour and thirty minutes i might say) a mother and daughter team decided that they wanted to merge with my body and become one with me. Now I know that sounds sickening and kind of erotic, but it's true. It was like I had extra junk in the trunk or like I had a Siamese twin attached to my ass that was constantly trying to push me to the head of the line. Bad twin, bad. Of course Stacy and I had to joke about it and by joke I mean be extra, extra loud and insulting but hey I will never see them again.....hopefully. So the next time you are in line and you find you are pressing your face and body into someone else's backside, please remember, you are being very annoying and most people would not want to be touched by you cause your ugly, very, very ugly (now if you looked like Adrian Paul, Ryan Reynolds, or Jack and Sawyer from Lost then that's okay!). If you are in the situation I was in remember to give them evil dirty looks that say "I'm three fourths Black and will kick your ass regardless if it's a hate crime" and laugh hilariously. Hopefully they will get the picture or like in my case they won't....because they are dumb, dumb punks. In which case extreme measures will have to take place, and by extreme I mean extreme. Folks....I had to kill them both. It was very quick and clean. Yes, for a second I felt bad but then came sweet, sweet space. I have no qualms for what I did, I rather enjoyed it. I hope to do it again soon, my taste for blood is growing.
P.S. If you were slightly aroused by the picture of a mother daughter team trying to merge with my body you are a sick sick person. I also would like to say I know which of you were picturing this. (Thank goodness for my x-man mutant ability to read minds. Geez I'm such a dork! And I'm an even bigger dork because I realized what I put down but still won't erase it because I think it sounds cool.) I can name names regarding those perverts but I'll leave that for my next blog, I promise. Stay tuned!
5.14.06 – Always Cold
i walk in the rain while the darkness rejuvenates me
i grow weary of the act it seems
this darkness would scare those who know me, no matter who they be
why can't i feel ashamed of all the laughter it brings
the aphotic depths of the sky holds the power to control
sounds of the night say that life is the thing
we must all pay for living we must all pay the toll
but i have to be me no matter how disheartening
why can't you understand that i don't feel a thing
i can't be there for you, if it's loneliness you bring
why can't you understand that it's not all about you
why can't you understand that it's about all of us too
this unstable relationship, it gets jaded, it gets old
i can't sit here waiting for your epiphany to unfold
don't come to me when you feel the need to be consoled
by then i may be tired of you, i may be tired of being cajoled
sorry, this is me the way that i was made,
always cold
always cold
Always cold.
5.14.06 – Real Friends
5.15.06 - Piss on You
Nothing is real.
Everything is fake.
Life conceals, while Death produces heartbreak.
Though the wind blows, and the earth quakes, it may not be what you chose, but it's the path you must take.
As The sun sets and the darkness begins to awake, there remains only you, left with no feeling except a withering ache.
The only thing to say now is piss on you.
5.18.06 – A Very Important Question
Is Jem truly outrageous or is it just a sham? I mean, can anyone really be truly outrageous. Outrageous, yes, but TRULY outrageous, no. Well, maybe Alissa is truly outrageous.......and by default Matthew too. Okay, Dan you're truly outrageous also. Now that I'm done with Jem (and I know a lot or you are asking "who the hell is Jem?" and if you are then you should all go to hell and die) lets talk about Lost. Lost is the best show on television right now. It is so addicting and keeps you on the edge of your seat. If you are a fan then you are a cool and educated person. If you're not a fan then you're dumb........period. If you want to be a fan then you may have some potential.....this list includes people like Malia, Ronald, Richie, Megan, Genie, and Davina. If I left off your name then I just don't think that highly of you.....sorry. (and that's not to say that if I listed you're name that I do think highly of you. I may just even feel sorry for you......................... bastards.) I absolutely can't wait for the season finale. If the season finale isn't good, I just might burn Matt's house down. It's up to you to restrain me Alissa. It's too late for anyone to join our Lost party now but the third season starts next fall and you can borrow my first and second seasons to catch up. By the way, I desperately need my first season back. YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE...................genie. Also, Lea Mae, where the hell have you been? I did not get you caught up to the second season just to have you not show up to our parties...geez. Well that's all for now people so good night, good luck, and namaste. P.S if you did not notice and enjoy the quote from Lost I put in this blog just for you guys then I will delete you all from my friends list. Come on, who needs friends when you're lost? P.P.S Jack and Sawyer are hizzot!!!
6.10.06 – Get over Yourself
Okay, what the hell?
I'm trying so hard not to yell.
I was hoping you'd grow up, but inside I already knew; I mentioned this subject in one other blog too.
There you go always pretending I'm not talking about you. Sorry, but this is something I won't accede to.
And I know that you know what I'm saying rings true.
One question I have to ask is: why is it so easy for you to say adieu?
Another question is: why do you continue to lie to yourself and remain oblivious to all the real people around that try to help you accrue all the things you want in life, but steadily do to the bad decisions you've made, you tend to push those who care away for those who are untrue.
This is freakin like deja vu.
Cause you've played this silly game before but I happened to forgive.
Now I'm tired of the game and you've forgotten all the past times I stood by your side.
Therefore, I won't abide and now you must atone and live through all the troubles you brought on yourself....... alone.
Stop being a prude.
Why should your problems be paramount while ours put on a shelf? Just get the hell over yourself!
6.11.06 – Lost (unfinished)
Stolen memories taken to the sky, ascend into space to cascade down from heaven as the years go by. So let us cling together and let our seeds be sown for we must learn to live together or we will die alone.
8.9.06 – Friends
It's funny what life throws your way and when it is thrown. As I sit here tonight, outside, looking at the full moon and the stars without the hindrance of a marine layer, looking at the beauty God has bestowed upon us, I realize how beautiful all of you truly are. Tonight I sat with the closest people I have in my life and talked. We talked about nonsense, religion, science, relationships. Afterwards on my way home I realized how blessed I am to have for the first time in my life people that are there. I am not alone anymore. I can finally talk to people and know that they are listening. I can finally talk to people and have them understand. I finally have people who are like me, who watch the same things I do, who experience the same things I do, who love the same things I do, who think the same things I think. I know I can say something like 'Kage Bushin no Jutsu' or 'Dattebayo' and at least two people will get it. I can say 'damn you Michael for betraying your people and please stop yelling Walt!' and you would understand. I can say 'you Buddha Bitch' or talk about time travel and other dimensions and not only will you understand, but you will respond accordingly. I have been alone for so long I developed a habit. A habit in which I was able to be alone and trick myself into believing I was happy. Now I know I am not truly happy unless I'm with you guys.
As I drove home I felt tears well up in my eyes as the puzzle pieces clicked together and I realized how much I truly love you guys; how much you make my life so much better to live.
I smiled all the way home.
This is to those I see on a regular basis: Malia, Mario, Alissa, Desiree
Those I havent known that long: Richie, Tenchi, John, Matt, Ronald, Gwen
Those I have known for years: Tim, Davina, Megan, Malika, Nichelle
Those who are family: Katrina, Mae, Brandi, Marlon, Teresa
Those that cry because they weren't on the previous friends list but probably need to make their way to Cali so that they wouldn't have been left out in the first place: James
Those I hope to meet one day.
Though it may not seem so,
you influence me more than you know.
Though it may not seem true,
you give me strength when times are blue.
I will be there for you through thick and thin,
you are my friends, my life, my best of kin.
Love always,
Kamia, Kami, Kam, Kammy, K, Kamchi, and for those who like to be funny, Karnia...................jackasses! LOL!
2.9.07 – Charades……the game of life
a game in which the players are typically divided into two teams, members of which take turns at acting out in pantomime a word, phrase, title, etc., which the members of their own team must guess.
a word or phrase acted out in this game.
a blatant pretense or deception, esp. something so full of pretense as to be a travesty.
2.9.06 – Rochambeau it
BS! Paper Doesn't beat rock!~
I understand that Scissors can beat Paper, and I get how Rock can beat Scissors, but there's no freakin way Paper can beat Rock. Is Paper supposed to magically wrap around Rock leaving it immobile? Why the hell can't paper do this to scissors? Screw scissors, why can't paper do this to people? Why aren't sheets of college ruled notebook paper constantly suffocating students as they attempt to take notes in class? I'll tell you why, because paper can't beat anybody, a rock would tear it up in 2 seconds. When I play rock/ paper/ scissors I always choose rock. Then when somebody claims to have beaten me with their paper I can punch them in the face with my already clenched fist and say, oh crap, I'm sorry I thought paper would protect you........ ass.
Additionally, covering a rock isn't doing any damage. If you cut paper, it's like 'Damn, now I'm in multiple pieces. I want some orange juice.' And if you smash scissors with a rock, you'll warp them in a way that they could no longer be used (depending on how hard you hit). By covering a rock in paper, you don't render it useless. Therefore, screw paper..........not literally by the way......perv.
2.9.07 – What did you expect?
I looked through my blogs and noticed the lack of wit present as of late; therefore, this happens to be my attempt at regaining, no recouping my wit. I have a few things to speak of and here it goes:
People = suckiness.
I'm not talking about the people I know, oh no. The people I am talking about is those people I meet on a daily basis yet I never know there names. This goes out to you Mr. Foreign accent who although I tell you there is nothing more my department can do for you, you continue to badger us by coming in everyday to talk. I don't want to talk to you. I think you may be slightly mental also. How many times do I have to tell you that I don't care you bought an appliance and it busted. Sears sucks, okay. Yo momma. Excuse me, tu mama accent over the a.
Peanut Butter
It's good with marshmallow spread. Mmmmmmm fluffernutters
I don't really like jelly that much.
Boy has time gone by so fast. Lost is here already!
The best show on t.v. right now. Please don't kill off Jack aka Matthew Fox. JOHN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You suck with the DVR!!!!!!!!
Grey's Anatomy
Nothing much to say here but it sucks.
Smokin Aces
Just three comments:
1. Where the hell was the camera shot of Ryan Reynolds' abs? Every movie he has done since he beefed up has had an infamous 'ooh look at my body' scene. This scene consists of unnecessary shots of Ryan's abs. When I heard that Ryan was in the movie, 50 no 70 percent of the reason I wanted to see it was because of his abs…………… because they are hot. Case in point:
Amityville Horror: this movie displays the old lets go running outside in my pj pants looking for a ghost, trick
Waiting: this one had the old I'm just putting on my shirt to go to work, trick
Blade Trinity: ever famous ever infamous the old I'm getting tortured and therefore I can't wear a shirt, trick
2. Common was hot.
3. I'm happy your wish came true in regards to Alicia Keys' part in the movie Mikie. Alissa didn't throw her popcorn on this one by the way guys.
I love Robin Thicke
No explanation needed. Buy the album. NOW!
2.13.07 – Kami’s Reviews: The Valentines Day Edition
As you can see, I have decided to put in my two cents regarding certain movies/ television shows/ anything I have come across in my life. This is just the beginning and I hope these reviews are insightful. First up just in time for Valentines Day is:
1. Robin Hood Men in Tights
Who doesn't love the classic story of Robin Hood and Maid Marian? Add in some old English rap music and a nice little ditty/ dance about wearing tights and you're made. Dave Chapelle as Achoo is great. "A black sheriff, well why not, it worked in Blazing Saddles." This happens to be one of Mel Brooks' best movies so Check It Out or deer to kill a kings dare.
2. Terminator 2: Judgment Day
This movie is a classic love story about a cyborg, Arnold Schwarseneger no Arnold Schwarzenegro no I got it this time, Arnold Schwarzenegger, who travels through time to the past to rescue a young man, John Connor, from an evil cyborg thing called T1000, who is made of what looks like mercury. Unbeknownst to T1000, mercury kills so even though he may succeed in his mission, he will still die of mercury poisoning. Sorry folks, this is no Michael Jackson love for a young man relationship, even though that would have been an interesting premise for this movie, but more of a protection from Michael Jackson’s love relationship. I know what you are thinking, very special, indeed. Anyways, cool movie. I don't know if I like it more than the original, but to date, still one of the best movie sequels made.
3. Kill Bill volume 1
All about Uma Thurman's love for Bill. Man does she love Bill. So much so that she kills for Bill. She kills everyone for Bill. Boy is Bill lucky. She kills Vivica A. Fox for Bill. She Kills Lucy Liu for Bill. She also kills a bunch of crazy Japanese ninjas for Bill. Unlike what most people believe upon first hearing the title, Kill Bill isn't about Killing Bill. The movie is about Killing for Bill, in the name of love. (Warning: This is only due to the fact that Valentines Day is coming up, otherwise, Kill Bill actually is about Uma Thurman killing Bill.) I like volume 1 more than 2 but altogether, I like Kill Bill.
P.S. Notice how every sentence has Bill in it……………that there is talent people. :P
4. The Lord of the Rings Trilogy or LOTRT as I like to call it
The story of everyone's love of a ring. Supposedly this ring is precious, yes, very precious indeed, so precious in fact, that it took over 9 hours to tell the world how precious it is. What I got out of this trilogy is this:
Gollum loves his precious.
Frodo is freakin annoying.
Samwise is kinda metro if ya know what I mean.
Pippin and Merry I don't know what the hell they are other than useless but I do know Pippin is Lost on an Island now.
Legolas, ain't nothing wrong with that.
Gimli is a dwarf with a lot of hair and is very short but not really because they used special effects for that.
Sauron needs a date.
Aragorn is hot.
Arwen is related to Steve Tyler.
Gandalf the White is a wizard who is white and can move metal objects around using his mutant power…..wait…….sorry wrong movie.
Anyways I am a lover of this trilogy and recommend anyone with lots of time on there hands to give it a go. Here are some quotes regarding the LOTR:
"Did you know that the Lord of the Rings is gay? There's this big, black tower, right? And it points right at this huge burning vagina thing, and it's like the symbol of ultimate evil. And then Sam and Frodo have to go to this cave and deposit their magic ring into this hot, steaming lava pit. Only at the last minute, Frodo can't perform, so Gollum bites off his finger. Gay."
~ Some Guy on the Lord of the Rings' gayness
"Natural enemy of the Star Wars saga….. But ultimately better"
~ Man with Brains on the Lord of the Rings
3.20.07 - A Winter’s Tale
Crowded places, familiar faces.
Useless chases. Unnecessary wages.
Feelings are contagious.
In a world full of false pages.
Torn and burned.
Fahrenheit 451.
And Then There Were None.
I guess this is just for fun, not for everyone.
Not even for you.
How vanity is your due.
Things not worth it to pursue.
There yet not there too.
Your problems not easy to construe.
The obsession scary to more than a few.
Mom and dad's comments lost in the ether.
Slightly heard over the loud voices of our teachers.
Your fingertips near but too far to grasp.
Ha. Revitalize.
Mopey? Forget your 'by definition'. This could be happy.
3.31.07 – Television Shows That Suck: Grey’s Anatomy Edition
Grey's Anatomy sucks. I swear it is a soap opera that airs primetime. My first question though is where are the attractive doctors? Bland, bland, bland. Mcdreamy isn't dreamy. I know of another doctor named Shephard who is dreamier. Mcsteamy isn't steamy. Mcgay is well gay. Anyway's, what's with all the Mc's? Does this show have stock in Mcdonald's or something? I'm willing to bet that Mcdonald's runs ads during commercial breaks.
Next up is my rant about stupid storylines. I have seen some stupid story arcs this season but this one gets the medal for the stupidest. Dum, dum, dum is Meredith going to die or will she survive? What the hell type of story arc is that? The show is called Grey's Anatomy. Of course Grey from Grey's Anatomy isn't going to die! If this story arc actually made people wonder if she would survive or not they are stupid and should not procreate (thank you Darwin!). Can you say jump the shark? I just want to stab myself in the eyes but I won't because if I do I will end up missing quality shows worth my while to watch i.e. America's Next Top Model and American Idol. Come on, Meredith's never-ending death, Jeffrey Dean Morgan's character dying but still showing up in an episode, everyone humping everyone, what the hell? Boo hoo hoo! Meredith is dying blah! She's a whore and we all know that whores don't get a second chance. Oh wait, this show even despoiled that bit of fact and let her live. What about all the other people in the hospital that are dying? I swear Seattle Grace sucks. The whole staff that works at that hospital was letting everyone die. Sandra Oh by the way is oh so yucky. Who could actually like her character? Don't get me started on the black folks. 3 black people, sure that is more than in most television shows but come on. Let's take a look at all the characters:
Meredith Grey: Ugly douche
Cristina Yang: Should douche but doesn't douche
Miranda Bailey: Nazi douche
Isobel (Izzie) Stevens: Should be in jail for attempted murder douche
George O'Malley: You're not fooling anyone so come out of the closet douche
Alex Karev: Going to hook up with the deformed Jane Doe douche
Callie Iphegenia Torres: Nobody cares about you douche
Preston Xavier Burke: Anger Management douche
Derek Shepherd: Adulterous douche
Richard Webber: Another adulterous douche
Addison Forbes Montgomery: Oh surprise another adulterous douche!
Mark Sloan: Man- whore douche
I swear this show is just about a bunch of people having sex with each other intermixed with some aspects of medicine. It's almost as if the writers went: "Hey, lets have this person have sex with this person this episode and then they'll have sex with this person and then argue about their jobs with this person. Oh yeah and they'll operate on a car accident victim." To end this and just to bring things into perspective: Grey's Anatomy is Former President Bill Clinton's favorite show. I think no more needs be said.
5.28.07 – Under Construction
Okay, so I'm writing three things at once.
The first is a fanfic. It's about 15 pages, not double spaced, and I know it'll take me a while to finish. As luck may have it, nobody is actually waiting to read it so there is no pressure to finish it. Also, I'm willing to bet that 90% of you guys have no freakin clue what a fanfic is, so lets skip that.
The second is an idea that was given to me by a person who will remain nameless. After watching the horror movie 28 Weeks Later with two other people, I was given the task of writing a horror movie manuscript involving all of you, my friends..... This idea was thought up because my dear dear friend thought it would be interesting to find out how all of us would either die or survive in a stereotypical horror movie.
I feel a little sad. The thing is, I have to think up ways to kill you guys. No, I'm not sad that I have to kill you people, oh no, my problem is that I'm not creative enough to kill you guys in awesomo ways. Therefore, I think I will kill you in ways that were already done in previous movies. I know what you guys are thinking and it isn't a freakin cop out assholes, I think it would be a good shout out to great horror movie deaths. It would also give You insight into how you would possibly die in a movie. This by the way is a low budget B movie horror. When I say B movie horror I don't mean Bruce Campbell B movie horror either. That stuff is actually entertaining. My movie will suck since it is I who am writing it and I'm much better at editing, but it'll be fun. These are the stereotypical characters you guys are in my mind. A very twisted place indeed. Thanks Alissa for this totally radical challenge. :P (Ha ha ha ha ha!)
Third and surprisingly spontaneously, I have started to write a little ditty I call "Ode to Lost". I've gotten quite far in the process even though I started writing it 10 minutes before I started posting this blog, but I've decided to write it in terms of each episode of each season. If you are a Lost fan you will know that Lost just wrapped up its 3rd season. If you are a Lost fan you would also know that the finale was terrific and way better than Heroes' craptacular finale. If you are not a Lost fan quite simply I hate you. I hate you because you are probably not watching Lost because you are too busy watching reality t.v. or a tivoed rerun of that ubercraptastically overhyped show Grey's Anatomy. (For my opinions on Grey's Anatomy please refer to blog entitled 'Television Shows that Suck: Grey's Anatomy edition'.) Anyways, I digress; this ode will portray each character and each momentous event accordingly, all the way up to the 3rd season finale. I'm not too good at poems or ditties or songs or writing in general but I have time on my hands for I have nothing to watch on t.v. and while all of you guys are having a rockin memorial day, I am stuck at work without nice warm BBQ. Why is this you ask? It's because of a certain individual that will also remain nameless.
I want chicken. Fried chicken. I also want watermelon. Cold watermelon. Add in some Bul-go-gi and Kimchi and I'm a happy camper. Why can't I have these things, WHY? Because of an inconsiderate A-Hole, that's why. No offense, see smiley face with tongue sticking out. :P Ha ha ha…..No?
I hope I have made you all's day brighter with laughter and stay tuned for some chapters from the horror film and selections from the Lost ode coming up soon. Love, Peace and Chicken Grease.
6.26.07 – Step Right Up and Shake Your Soda Cans
So I'm assuming Nintendo believes it can get away with anything.
I was playing Wii for only the second time in my life this past Sunday. Dan rented Mario Party 8 and Dan, Matt, John, Sherry, and I decided to play. I had never played the game but I had previously played the other 7 in the long line of Mario Parties; so therefore I knew the drill but wasn't familiar with the new Wii hand held motion sensor crap. I hate the controls. I would much rather play with the old school one remote attached to a joystick and or D-pad with A,B,X,Y,Z buttons, the option of a C-pad in addition to left and right buttons. It was much simpler that way. No. Nintendo wants gamers nowadays to not only have calluses on their thumbs but arthritis in their wrists. Stupid, stupid fat Hobbit.
I'm not angry with the controls because I lost the game, oh no, I am genuinely angry at the controls because they are stupid. I always freaking win at Mario Party. I am the Mario Party reigning champion. I pwned Mario Party……..until they put it on Wii. Alas I must admit defeat. Nintendo has made it impossible for me to win at Mario Party now. Wii controls are for guys; for only guys can truly appreciate and truly grasp the concept of the controls. Don't believe me? Mario Party has a minigame that consists of each player shaking their soda pop cans as fast as they can so that their soda will explode and reach the highest in the sky. That consists of shaking the wii remote up and down.
I got last place whilst playing against Dan, Matt, and John. Three freaking guys! I can't remember who received the first place title (and I probably wouldn't disclose that information even if I did remember because it would be rather embarrassing for said individual), but what is really important is that I, Mario Party champion extraordinaire, received last place. My wrist just wasn't strong enough and I didn't have the technique down. Nintendo Wii controls suck! Screw you Nintendo! Figuratively that is and you can stick your motion sensor control where the sun doesn't shine.
11.14.07 – Those Bitches
Bitch is a word so lightly used around.
I have only become familiar with two genuine bitches in my lifetime.
Only one of them do I feel sorry for. She was a crazy bitch.
There are many different kinds of bitches.
There are the ones who do not deserve to be called bitches for they are the strong ones, the independent ones, the ones who are confident in themselves.
I don't want to talk about them. I want to talk about the others.
The ones who are catty, cancerous bitches that spread their venom to all those around.
These bitches only care about themselves.
I'll just call them 'these bitches'.
These bitches never intend to be your friend.
These bitches get away with using men.
Jealous bitches who give the rest of us a bad name.
Mothers? Daughters? All the same.
They come in different shapes and races.
But I've found a certain kind have similar faces.
These bitches cannot be trusted.
Immature, silly bitches that will never be happy.
Spiteful bitches suck the life from females and males alike.
These bitches never change, they are always in denial.
These bitches that hide their hatred in a smile.
Don't be fooled by their 'sad' story.
I won't be.
We'll see how I feel about the bitch later.
Stupid bitch.
And they say we are the bitches.
Thank Goodness I don't associate with those bitches.
12.1.07 – Silly Rabbit
tricks are for really sad. Peace
1.4.08 – Not Worth It
Simplicity is monotonous and boring. Complexity makes you want to get up in the morning. Long live your simple life until you are willing to take a chance. You won't truly be happy. Move on. It isn't worth it. You are out there somewhere.
1.24.08 - Soudainement je sais
Soudainement je sais
Soudainement je peux voir tout
c'est erroné avec moi
Est-ce que mais que je peux faire ?
Je suis la seule chose que j'ai vraiment du tout
1.24.08 – Suddenly I Know
Suddenly I know
Suddenly I can see everything, that's wrong with me.
But what can I do?
I'm the only thing I really have at all.
Its been a long time since I saw your face but she doesn't live here anymore.
One day you will go away from here.
She's trying to free me. But she can't.
There's no reading me, so stop trying. You can change the world but you can't change me.
The sky opens.
The rain is taking over.
Yet the sun still shines.
It will take over.
I once drew a picture.
It is taking over.
The world spins for me.
It has taken over.
Let there be light.
The ghost comes but finds it is too late.
Slowly drowning.
Cold, icy, free falling.
Wind rising.
She is indifferent to the change.
It is within her.
The soul has departed.
2.7.06 - Baby Steps
What the hell are baby steps? That is the question isn't it? Does that mean the steps are the size of a baby's foot? If that is true then which baby's foot are we discussing? Is there a set average? What about all those BIG babies on Maury Povich; their feet are really big. Are baby steps just metaphorical ie. babies are small and just learning to walk therefore they learn a tiny step at a time. That's boring. I choose the former and go with those that show up on Maury. Why you may ask....... cause Maury is da man. Come on now....."so and so you are not the father" that's classic stuff right there.
2.10.06 - When is it really peanut butter jelly time?
Peanut butter jelly time, we all have heard of it but when does it occur? Do we always need both peanut butter and jelly? What if the grocery store only has peanut butter or only jelly? Are we screwed?
Why is it peanut butter and jelly time? Couldn't it be bacon and eggs time, or pork chops and potatoes time?
While on the subject, why must we use a baseball bat? Couldn't a spoon or butter knife do? Hmmmmmmm......makes you wonder huh?
I wonder, where is he at and where did he go?
P.S. I am so bored.
2.20.06 - Drama for your Mama
Drama can be really funny at times especially if you're involved in the drama. How you may ask can drama possibly be funny, well it is only funny when you don't care what the outcome is. Only twisted individuals like myself can really appreciate the thrill that is drama (I can name a couple of myspace twisted individuals like myself but that is for another day). MJB said no more drama but I say entertainment at its best. If you haven't heard: "like sands through the hour glass, and so are the days of our lives".
2.20.06 - Why Starbucks is hell
Starbucks is hell everyone. They tore down a fast food restaurant where I live to put up a Starbucks. If that isn't enough to prove that Starbucks is in league with the devil, I don't know what would convince you. What the hell? People would rather have coffee than food? There are too many addicts roaming around. Those who work at Starbucks are helping the devil collect his souls (they know who they are.........wink, wink). Therefore, I'm going to need an old priest and a young priest to expel the demon that is Starbucks out of our world. Who is with me?!!
P.S. I am completely serious......well almost completely.
3.28.06 - Personal Space
Personal space, is that so hard to ask for? I'm not talking about when your friends just won't leave you alone or when your parents and family members are always bugging. Nope, that is for another time. What I'm talking about is much, much worse. It is so bad that it just may be one of the signs of the apocalypse. Take a deep breath *whoooosh*.
I mean what the hell guys? I was at Disneyland with Stacy on Saturday night (we went to have dinner) and we decided to go on Space Mountain since it opened up a while ago new and improved. By the way it sucked and Stacy almost threw up her chicken skins, but I digress. While in line (an hour and thirty minutes i might say) a mother and daughter team decided that they wanted to merge with my body and become one with me. Now I know that sounds sickening and kind of erotic, but it's true. It was like I had extra junk in the trunk or like I had a Siamese twin attached to my ass that was constantly trying to push me to the head of the line. Bad twin, bad. Of course Stacy and I had to joke about it and by joke I mean be extra, extra loud and insulting but hey I will never see them again.....hopefully. So the next time you are in line and you find you are pressing your face and body into someone else's backside, please remember, you are being very annoying and most people would not want to be touched by you cause your ugly, very, very ugly (now if you looked like Adrian Paul, Ryan Reynolds, or Jack and Sawyer from Lost then that's okay!). If you are in the situation I was in remember to give them evil dirty looks that say "I'm three fourths Black and will kick your ass regardless if it's a hate crime" and laugh hilariously. Hopefully they will get the picture or like in my case they won't....because they are dumb, dumb punks. In which case extreme measures will have to take place, and by extreme I mean extreme. Folks....I had to kill them both. It was very quick and clean. Yes, for a second I felt bad but then came sweet, sweet space. I have no qualms for what I did, I rather enjoyed it. I hope to do it again soon, my taste for blood is growing.
P.S. If you were slightly aroused by the picture of a mother daughter team trying to merge with my body you are a sick sick person. I also would like to say I know which of you were picturing this. (Thank goodness for my x-man mutant ability to read minds. Geez I'm such a dork! And I'm an even bigger dork because I realized what I put down but still won't erase it because I think it sounds cool.) I can name names regarding those perverts but I'll leave that for my next blog, I promise. Stay tuned!
5.14.06 – Always Cold
i walk in the rain while the darkness rejuvenates me
i grow weary of the act it seems
this darkness would scare those who know me, no matter who they be
why can't i feel ashamed of all the laughter it brings
the aphotic depths of the sky holds the power to control
sounds of the night say that life is the thing
we must all pay for living we must all pay the toll
but i have to be me no matter how disheartening
why can't you understand that i don't feel a thing
i can't be there for you, if it's loneliness you bring
why can't you understand that it's not all about you
why can't you understand that it's about all of us too
this unstable relationship, it gets jaded, it gets old
i can't sit here waiting for your epiphany to unfold
don't come to me when you feel the need to be consoled
by then i may be tired of you, i may be tired of being cajoled
sorry, this is me the way that i was made,
always cold
always cold
Always cold.
5.14.06 – Real Friends
5.15.06 - Piss on You
Nothing is real.
Everything is fake.
Life conceals, while Death produces heartbreak.
Though the wind blows, and the earth quakes, it may not be what you chose, but it's the path you must take.
As The sun sets and the darkness begins to awake, there remains only you, left with no feeling except a withering ache.
The only thing to say now is piss on you.
5.18.06 – A Very Important Question
Is Jem truly outrageous or is it just a sham? I mean, can anyone really be truly outrageous. Outrageous, yes, but TRULY outrageous, no. Well, maybe Alissa is truly outrageous.......and by default Matthew too. Okay, Dan you're truly outrageous also. Now that I'm done with Jem (and I know a lot or you are asking "who the hell is Jem?" and if you are then you should all go to hell and die) lets talk about Lost. Lost is the best show on television right now. It is so addicting and keeps you on the edge of your seat. If you are a fan then you are a cool and educated person. If you're not a fan then you're dumb........period. If you want to be a fan then you may have some potential.....this list includes people like Malia, Ronald, Richie, Megan, Genie, and Davina. If I left off your name then I just don't think that highly of you.....sorry. (and that's not to say that if I listed you're name that I do think highly of you. I may just even feel sorry for you......................... bastards.) I absolutely can't wait for the season finale. If the season finale isn't good, I just might burn Matt's house down. It's up to you to restrain me Alissa. It's too late for anyone to join our Lost party now but the third season starts next fall and you can borrow my first and second seasons to catch up. By the way, I desperately need my first season back. YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE...................genie. Also, Lea Mae, where the hell have you been? I did not get you caught up to the second season just to have you not show up to our parties...geez. Well that's all for now people so good night, good luck, and namaste. P.S if you did not notice and enjoy the quote from Lost I put in this blog just for you guys then I will delete you all from my friends list. Come on, who needs friends when you're lost? P.P.S Jack and Sawyer are hizzot!!!
6.10.06 – Get over Yourself
Okay, what the hell?
I'm trying so hard not to yell.
I was hoping you'd grow up, but inside I already knew; I mentioned this subject in one other blog too.
There you go always pretending I'm not talking about you. Sorry, but this is something I won't accede to.
And I know that you know what I'm saying rings true.
One question I have to ask is: why is it so easy for you to say adieu?
Another question is: why do you continue to lie to yourself and remain oblivious to all the real people around that try to help you accrue all the things you want in life, but steadily do to the bad decisions you've made, you tend to push those who care away for those who are untrue.
This is freakin like deja vu.
Cause you've played this silly game before but I happened to forgive.
Now I'm tired of the game and you've forgotten all the past times I stood by your side.
Therefore, I won't abide and now you must atone and live through all the troubles you brought on yourself....... alone.
Stop being a prude.
Why should your problems be paramount while ours put on a shelf? Just get the hell over yourself!
6.11.06 – Lost (unfinished)
Stolen memories taken to the sky, ascend into space to cascade down from heaven as the years go by. So let us cling together and let our seeds be sown for we must learn to live together or we will die alone.
8.9.06 – Friends
It's funny what life throws your way and when it is thrown. As I sit here tonight, outside, looking at the full moon and the stars without the hindrance of a marine layer, looking at the beauty God has bestowed upon us, I realize how beautiful all of you truly are. Tonight I sat with the closest people I have in my life and talked. We talked about nonsense, religion, science, relationships. Afterwards on my way home I realized how blessed I am to have for the first time in my life people that are there. I am not alone anymore. I can finally talk to people and know that they are listening. I can finally talk to people and have them understand. I finally have people who are like me, who watch the same things I do, who experience the same things I do, who love the same things I do, who think the same things I think. I know I can say something like 'Kage Bushin no Jutsu' or 'Dattebayo' and at least two people will get it. I can say 'damn you Michael for betraying your people and please stop yelling Walt!' and you would understand. I can say 'you Buddha Bitch' or talk about time travel and other dimensions and not only will you understand, but you will respond accordingly. I have been alone for so long I developed a habit. A habit in which I was able to be alone and trick myself into believing I was happy. Now I know I am not truly happy unless I'm with you guys.
As I drove home I felt tears well up in my eyes as the puzzle pieces clicked together and I realized how much I truly love you guys; how much you make my life so much better to live.
I smiled all the way home.
This is to those I see on a regular basis: Malia, Mario, Alissa, Desiree
Those I havent known that long: Richie, Tenchi, John, Matt, Ronald, Gwen
Those I have known for years: Tim, Davina, Megan, Malika, Nichelle
Those who are family: Katrina, Mae, Brandi, Marlon, Teresa
Those that cry because they weren't on the previous friends list but probably need to make their way to Cali so that they wouldn't have been left out in the first place: James
Those I hope to meet one day.
Though it may not seem so,
you influence me more than you know.
Though it may not seem true,
you give me strength when times are blue.
I will be there for you through thick and thin,
you are my friends, my life, my best of kin.
Love always,
Kamia, Kami, Kam, Kammy, K, Kamchi, and for those who like to be funny, Karnia...................jackasses! LOL!
2.9.07 – Charades……the game of life
a game in which the players are typically divided into two teams, members of which take turns at acting out in pantomime a word, phrase, title, etc., which the members of their own team must guess.
a word or phrase acted out in this game.
a blatant pretense or deception, esp. something so full of pretense as to be a travesty.
2.9.06 – Rochambeau it
BS! Paper Doesn't beat rock!~
I understand that Scissors can beat Paper, and I get how Rock can beat Scissors, but there's no freakin way Paper can beat Rock. Is Paper supposed to magically wrap around Rock leaving it immobile? Why the hell can't paper do this to scissors? Screw scissors, why can't paper do this to people? Why aren't sheets of college ruled notebook paper constantly suffocating students as they attempt to take notes in class? I'll tell you why, because paper can't beat anybody, a rock would tear it up in 2 seconds. When I play rock/ paper/ scissors I always choose rock. Then when somebody claims to have beaten me with their paper I can punch them in the face with my already clenched fist and say, oh crap, I'm sorry I thought paper would protect you........ ass.
Additionally, covering a rock isn't doing any damage. If you cut paper, it's like 'Damn, now I'm in multiple pieces. I want some orange juice.' And if you smash scissors with a rock, you'll warp them in a way that they could no longer be used (depending on how hard you hit). By covering a rock in paper, you don't render it useless. Therefore, screw paper..........not literally by the way......perv.
2.9.07 – What did you expect?
I looked through my blogs and noticed the lack of wit present as of late; therefore, this happens to be my attempt at regaining, no recouping my wit. I have a few things to speak of and here it goes:
People = suckiness.
I'm not talking about the people I know, oh no. The people I am talking about is those people I meet on a daily basis yet I never know there names. This goes out to you Mr. Foreign accent who although I tell you there is nothing more my department can do for you, you continue to badger us by coming in everyday to talk. I don't want to talk to you. I think you may be slightly mental also. How many times do I have to tell you that I don't care you bought an appliance and it busted. Sears sucks, okay. Yo momma. Excuse me, tu mama accent over the a.
Peanut Butter
It's good with marshmallow spread. Mmmmmmm fluffernutters
I don't really like jelly that much.
Boy has time gone by so fast. Lost is here already!
The best show on t.v. right now. Please don't kill off Jack aka Matthew Fox. JOHN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You suck with the DVR!!!!!!!!
Grey's Anatomy
Nothing much to say here but it sucks.
Smokin Aces
Just three comments:
1. Where the hell was the camera shot of Ryan Reynolds' abs? Every movie he has done since he beefed up has had an infamous 'ooh look at my body' scene. This scene consists of unnecessary shots of Ryan's abs. When I heard that Ryan was in the movie, 50 no 70 percent of the reason I wanted to see it was because of his abs…………… because they are hot. Case in point:
Amityville Horror: this movie displays the old lets go running outside in my pj pants looking for a ghost, trick
Waiting: this one had the old I'm just putting on my shirt to go to work, trick
Blade Trinity: ever famous ever infamous the old I'm getting tortured and therefore I can't wear a shirt, trick
2. Common was hot.
3. I'm happy your wish came true in regards to Alicia Keys' part in the movie Mikie. Alissa didn't throw her popcorn on this one by the way guys.
I love Robin Thicke
No explanation needed. Buy the album. NOW!
2.13.07 – Kami’s Reviews: The Valentines Day Edition
As you can see, I have decided to put in my two cents regarding certain movies/ television shows/ anything I have come across in my life. This is just the beginning and I hope these reviews are insightful. First up just in time for Valentines Day is:
1. Robin Hood Men in Tights
Who doesn't love the classic story of Robin Hood and Maid Marian? Add in some old English rap music and a nice little ditty/ dance about wearing tights and you're made. Dave Chapelle as Achoo is great. "A black sheriff, well why not, it worked in Blazing Saddles." This happens to be one of Mel Brooks' best movies so Check It Out or deer to kill a kings dare.
2. Terminator 2: Judgment Day
This movie is a classic love story about a cyborg, Arnold Schwarseneger no Arnold Schwarzenegro no I got it this time, Arnold Schwarzenegger, who travels through time to the past to rescue a young man, John Connor, from an evil cyborg thing called T1000, who is made of what looks like mercury. Unbeknownst to T1000, mercury kills so even though he may succeed in his mission, he will still die of mercury poisoning. Sorry folks, this is no Michael Jackson love for a young man relationship, even though that would have been an interesting premise for this movie, but more of a protection from Michael Jackson’s love relationship. I know what you are thinking, very special, indeed. Anyways, cool movie. I don't know if I like it more than the original, but to date, still one of the best movie sequels made.
3. Kill Bill volume 1
All about Uma Thurman's love for Bill. Man does she love Bill. So much so that she kills for Bill. She kills everyone for Bill. Boy is Bill lucky. She kills Vivica A. Fox for Bill. She Kills Lucy Liu for Bill. She also kills a bunch of crazy Japanese ninjas for Bill. Unlike what most people believe upon first hearing the title, Kill Bill isn't about Killing Bill. The movie is about Killing for Bill, in the name of love. (Warning: This is only due to the fact that Valentines Day is coming up, otherwise, Kill Bill actually is about Uma Thurman killing Bill.) I like volume 1 more than 2 but altogether, I like Kill Bill.
P.S. Notice how every sentence has Bill in it……………that there is talent people. :P
4. The Lord of the Rings Trilogy or LOTRT as I like to call it
The story of everyone's love of a ring. Supposedly this ring is precious, yes, very precious indeed, so precious in fact, that it took over 9 hours to tell the world how precious it is. What I got out of this trilogy is this:
Gollum loves his precious.
Frodo is freakin annoying.
Samwise is kinda metro if ya know what I mean.
Pippin and Merry I don't know what the hell they are other than useless but I do know Pippin is Lost on an Island now.
Legolas, ain't nothing wrong with that.
Gimli is a dwarf with a lot of hair and is very short but not really because they used special effects for that.
Sauron needs a date.
Aragorn is hot.
Arwen is related to Steve Tyler.
Gandalf the White is a wizard who is white and can move metal objects around using his mutant power…..wait…….sorry wrong movie.
Anyways I am a lover of this trilogy and recommend anyone with lots of time on there hands to give it a go. Here are some quotes regarding the LOTR:
"Did you know that the Lord of the Rings is gay? There's this big, black tower, right? And it points right at this huge burning vagina thing, and it's like the symbol of ultimate evil. And then Sam and Frodo have to go to this cave and deposit their magic ring into this hot, steaming lava pit. Only at the last minute, Frodo can't perform, so Gollum bites off his finger. Gay."
~ Some Guy on the Lord of the Rings' gayness
"Natural enemy of the Star Wars saga….. But ultimately better"
~ Man with Brains on the Lord of the Rings
3.20.07 - A Winter’s Tale
Crowded places, familiar faces.
Useless chases. Unnecessary wages.
Feelings are contagious.
In a world full of false pages.
Torn and burned.
Fahrenheit 451.
And Then There Were None.
I guess this is just for fun, not for everyone.
Not even for you.
How vanity is your due.
Things not worth it to pursue.
There yet not there too.
Your problems not easy to construe.
The obsession scary to more than a few.
Mom and dad's comments lost in the ether.
Slightly heard over the loud voices of our teachers.
Your fingertips near but too far to grasp.
Ha. Revitalize.
Mopey? Forget your 'by definition'. This could be happy.
3.31.07 – Television Shows That Suck: Grey’s Anatomy Edition
Grey's Anatomy sucks. I swear it is a soap opera that airs primetime. My first question though is where are the attractive doctors? Bland, bland, bland. Mcdreamy isn't dreamy. I know of another doctor named Shephard who is dreamier. Mcsteamy isn't steamy. Mcgay is well gay. Anyway's, what's with all the Mc's? Does this show have stock in Mcdonald's or something? I'm willing to bet that Mcdonald's runs ads during commercial breaks.
Next up is my rant about stupid storylines. I have seen some stupid story arcs this season but this one gets the medal for the stupidest. Dum, dum, dum is Meredith going to die or will she survive? What the hell type of story arc is that? The show is called Grey's Anatomy. Of course Grey from Grey's Anatomy isn't going to die! If this story arc actually made people wonder if she would survive or not they are stupid and should not procreate (thank you Darwin!). Can you say jump the shark? I just want to stab myself in the eyes but I won't because if I do I will end up missing quality shows worth my while to watch i.e. America's Next Top Model and American Idol
Meredith Grey: Ugly douche
Cristina Yang: Should douche but doesn't douche
Miranda Bailey: Nazi douche
Isobel (Izzie) Stevens: Should be in jail for attempted murder douche
George O'Malley: You're not fooling anyone so come out of the closet douche
Alex Karev: Going to hook up with the deformed Jane Doe douche
Callie Iphegenia Torres: Nobody cares about you douche
Preston Xavier Burke: Anger Management douche
Derek Shepherd: Adulterous douche
Richard Webber: Another adulterous douche
Addison Forbes Montgomery: Oh surprise another adulterous douche!
Mark Sloan: Man- whore douche
I swear this show is just about a bunch of people having sex with each other intermixed with some aspects of medicine. It's almost as if the writers went: "Hey, lets have this person have sex with this person this episode and then they'll have sex with this person and then argue about their jobs with this person. Oh yeah and they'll operate on a car accident victim." To end this and just to bring things into perspective: Grey's Anatomy is Former President Bill Clinton's favorite show. I think no more needs be said.
5.28.07 – Under Construction
Okay, so I'm writing three things at once.
The first is a fanfic. It's about 15 pages, not double spaced, and I know it'll take me a while to finish. As luck may have it, nobody is actually waiting to read it so there is no pressure to finish it. Also, I'm willing to bet that 90% of you guys have no freakin clue what a fanfic is, so lets skip that.
The second is an idea that was given to me by a person who will remain nameless. After watching the horror movie 28 Weeks Later with two other people, I was given the task of writing a horror movie manuscript involving all of you, my friends..... This idea was thought up because my dear dear friend thought it would be interesting to find out how all of us would either die or survive in a stereotypical horror movie.
I feel a little sad. The thing is, I have to think up ways to kill you guys. No, I'm not sad that I have to kill you people, oh no, my problem is that I'm not creative enough to kill you guys in awesomo ways. Therefore, I think I will kill you in ways that were already done in previous movies. I know what you guys are thinking and it isn't a freakin cop out assholes, I think it would be a good shout out to great horror movie deaths. It would also give You insight into how you would possibly die in a movie. This by the way is a low budget B movie horror. When I say B movie horror I don't mean Bruce Campbell B movie horror either. That stuff is actually entertaining. My movie will suck since it is I who am writing it and I'm much better at editing, but it'll be fun. These are the stereotypical characters you guys are in my mind. A very twisted place indeed. Thanks Alissa for this totally radical challenge. :P (Ha ha ha ha ha!)
Third and surprisingly spontaneously, I have started to write a little ditty I call "Ode to Lost". I've gotten quite far in the process even though I started writing it 10 minutes before I started posting this blog, but I've decided to write it in terms of each episode of each season. If you are a Lost fan you will know that Lost just wrapped up its 3rd season. If you are a Lost fan you would also know that the finale was terrific and way better than Heroes' craptacular finale. If you are not a Lost fan quite simply I hate you. I hate you because you are probably not watching Lost because you are too busy watching reality t.v. or a tivoed rerun of that ubercraptastically overhyped show Grey's Anatomy. (For my opinions on Grey's Anatomy please refer to blog entitled 'Television Shows that Suck: Grey's Anatomy edition'.) Anyways, I digress; this ode will portray each character and each momentous event accordingly, all the way up to the 3rd season finale. I'm not too good at poems or ditties or songs or writing in general but I have time on my hands for I have nothing to watch on t.v. and while all of you guys are having a rockin memorial day, I am stuck at work without nice warm BBQ. Why is this you ask? It's because of a certain individual that will also remain nameless.
I want chicken. Fried chicken. I also want watermelon. Cold watermelon. Add in some Bul-go-gi and Kimchi and I'm a happy camper. Why can't I have these things, WHY? Because of an inconsiderate A-Hole, that's why. No offense, see smiley face with tongue sticking out. :P Ha ha ha…..No?
I hope I have made you all's day brighter with laughter and stay tuned for some chapters from the horror film and selections from the Lost ode coming up soon. Love, Peace and Chicken Grease.
6.26.07 – Step Right Up and Shake Your Soda Cans
So I'm assuming Nintendo believes it can get away with anything.
I was playing Wii for only the second time in my life this past Sunday. Dan rented Mario Party 8 and Dan, Matt, John, Sherry, and I decided to play. I had never played the game but I had previously played the other 7 in the long line of Mario Parties; so therefore I knew the drill but wasn't familiar with the new Wii hand held motion sensor crap. I hate the controls. I would much rather play with the old school one remote attached to a joystick and or D-pad with A,B,X,Y,Z buttons, the option of a C-pad in addition to left and right buttons. It was much simpler that way. No. Nintendo wants gamers nowadays to not only have calluses on their thumbs but arthritis in their wrists. Stupid, stupid fat Hobbit.
I'm not angry with the controls because I lost the game, oh no, I am genuinely angry at the controls because they are stupid. I always freaking win at Mario Party. I am the Mario Party reigning champion. I pwned Mario Party……..until they put it on Wii. Alas I must admit defeat. Nintendo has made it impossible for me to win at Mario Party now. Wii controls are for guys; for only guys can truly appreciate and truly grasp the concept of the controls. Don't believe me? Mario Party has a minigame that consists of each player shaking their soda pop cans as fast as they can so that their soda will explode and reach the highest in the sky. That consists of shaking the wii remote up and down.
I got last place whilst playing against Dan, Matt, and John. Three freaking guys! I can't remember who received the first place title (and I probably wouldn't disclose that information even if I did remember because it would be rather embarrassing for said individual), but what is really important is that I, Mario Party champion extraordinaire, received last place. My wrist just wasn't strong enough and I didn't have the technique down. Nintendo Wii controls suck! Screw you Nintendo! Figuratively that is and you can stick your motion sensor control where the sun doesn't shine.
11.14.07 – Those Bitches
Bitch is a word so lightly used around.
I have only become familiar with two genuine bitches in my lifetime.
Only one of them do I feel sorry for. She was a crazy bitch.
There are many different kinds of bitches.
There are the ones who do not deserve to be called bitches for they are the strong ones, the independent ones, the ones who are confident in themselves.
I don't want to talk about them. I want to talk about the others.
The ones who are catty, cancerous bitches that spread their venom to all those around.
These bitches only care about themselves.
I'll just call them 'these bitches'.
These bitches never intend to be your friend.
These bitches get away with using men.
Jealous bitches who give the rest of us a bad name.
Mothers? Daughters? All the same.
They come in different shapes and races.
But I've found a certain kind have similar faces.
These bitches cannot be trusted.
Immature, silly bitches that will never be happy.
Spiteful bitches suck the life from females and males alike.
These bitches never change, they are always in denial.
These bitches that hide their hatred in a smile.
Don't be fooled by their 'sad' story.
I won't be.
We'll see how I feel about the bitch later.
Stupid bitch.
And they say we are the bitches.
Thank Goodness I don't associate with those bitches.
12.1.07 – Silly Rabbit
tricks are for really sad. Peace
1.4.08 – Not Worth It
Simplicity is monotonous and boring. Complexity makes you want to get up in the morning. Long live your simple life until you are willing to take a chance. You won't truly be happy. Move on. It isn't worth it. You are out there somewhere.
1.24.08 - Soudainement je sais
Soudainement je sais
Soudainement je peux voir tout
c'est erroné avec moi
Est-ce que mais que je peux faire ?
Je suis la seule chose que j'ai vraiment du tout
1.24.08 – Suddenly I Know
Suddenly I know
Suddenly I can see everything, that's wrong with me.
But what can I do?
I'm the only thing I really have at all.
Its been a long time since I saw your face but she doesn't live here anymore.
One day you will go away from here.
She's trying to free me. But she can't.
There's no reading me, so stop trying. You can change the world but you can't change me.
The sky opens.
The rain is taking over.
Yet the sun still shines.
It will take over.
I once drew a picture.
It is taking over.
The world spins for me.
It has taken over.
Let there be light.
The ghost comes but finds it is too late.
Slowly drowning.
Cold, icy, free falling.
Wind rising.
She is indifferent to the change.
It is within her.
The soul has departed.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Out of Context #3
Scene: Putting books on the top shelf in the bookstore.
Rebecca: "Geez, it's almost too big."
Kamia: "That's what she said!"
Rebecca: "Geez, it's almost too big."
Kamia: "That's what she said!"
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Merry Christmas 2008
To everyone Merry Christmas and have a Happy Hanukkah!
I'd say Happy Kwanzaa too but I don't know what that is.
Oh well, Happy Kwanzaa too.
I'd say Happy Kwanzaa too but I don't know what that is.
Oh well, Happy Kwanzaa too.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Out of Context #2
Sandi: "Home Depot had some good hot dogs. I don't eat hot dogs unless they're kosher."
Kamia: "Me too!"
Kamia: "Me too!"
The Letter
March 23, 2006: I wrote a letter. The letter was to me. The letter was to my mother. This is that letter:
"To Mother:
It's annoying to have people think they know who you really are when they really don't know you at all. Misinterpretations provide people with a lack of understanding and the inability to decipher through the person you are and the one presented to the world. It's tiring to have others run your life for you. It's not fun being alone; it's even less fun when you've been alone your whole life. What sucks is when you finally feel capable of coming out of your shell and experiencing life, those around you push you back in, whether accidentally or on purpose.
Traumatic events shape the rest of your life. It sucks but it's true and it's hard to change the person you've become after that experience. Those memories are forever ingrained in your head. The way you see the world will never change even if you try hard to see it differently. The way you feel about situations will never change also. No psychologist can help, and screw talking. No one can understand you and they don't want to, for that would put a damper on their lives; besides, why would you want to bring them down too; therefore, the facade works for those around you but in the end you're always alone.
Good childhood memories unfortunately tend to fade but those you wish would go away, stay forever. Your life revolves around them as much as you wish it would not.
It seems good to say, "it's time to say goodbye to the person you knew or thought you knew and hello to the person trapped inside". I'm tired of playing at being happy but for all of you, I will continue to do so. Hell, no one wants to be around you if you're not.
So mom, this is what has become of me. I feel empty yet don't know why. I barely can remember your face. Only pictures remind me of what you looked like and that one moment in time has regretfully made me into who I am today. It shouldn't have lasted this long, this ache. Isn't 12 years enough. Guess not.
It's hard knowing no one understands you and no one cares to.
Your blood is still on my fingers. It has remained since."
This letter in a way is still true to me but to a certain extent, it is now fiction.
Almost 3 years ago I wrote this letter.
I still miss you mom.
"To Mother:
It's annoying to have people think they know who you really are when they really don't know you at all. Misinterpretations provide people with a lack of understanding and the inability to decipher through the person you are and the one presented to the world. It's tiring to have others run your life for you. It's not fun being alone; it's even less fun when you've been alone your whole life. What sucks is when you finally feel capable of coming out of your shell and experiencing life, those around you push you back in, whether accidentally or on purpose.
Traumatic events shape the rest of your life. It sucks but it's true and it's hard to change the person you've become after that experience. Those memories are forever ingrained in your head. The way you see the world will never change even if you try hard to see it differently. The way you feel about situations will never change also. No psychologist can help, and screw talking. No one can understand you and they don't want to, for that would put a damper on their lives; besides, why would you want to bring them down too; therefore, the facade works for those around you but in the end you're always alone.
Good childhood memories unfortunately tend to fade but those you wish would go away, stay forever. Your life revolves around them as much as you wish it would not.
It seems good to say, "it's time to say goodbye to the person you knew or thought you knew and hello to the person trapped inside". I'm tired of playing at being happy but for all of you, I will continue to do so. Hell, no one wants to be around you if you're not.
So mom, this is what has become of me. I feel empty yet don't know why. I barely can remember your face. Only pictures remind me of what you looked like and that one moment in time has regretfully made me into who I am today. It shouldn't have lasted this long, this ache. Isn't 12 years enough. Guess not.
It's hard knowing no one understands you and no one cares to.
Your blood is still on my fingers. It has remained since."
This letter in a way is still true to me but to a certain extent, it is now fiction.
Almost 3 years ago I wrote this letter.
I still miss you mom.
Pic to pic comparison
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Lost and Found
without you
with nowhere else to go
in translation
in the shuffle
in your eyes
within you
not wanting anywhere else to go
in interpretation
in the nick of time
in your eyes
with nowhere else to go
in translation
in the shuffle
in your eyes
within you
not wanting anywhere else to go
in interpretation
in the nick of time
in your eyes

By: John Lennon
Imagine there's no heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today...
Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace...
You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one
Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world...
You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will live as one
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Bad things that enter my head #1
A woman walks into the donation center of the store and says to me: "I have a donation."
The first thing that popped into my head was: "No shit Sherlock."
I swear I couldn't control it at all!
The first thing that popped into my head was: "No shit Sherlock."
I swear I couldn't control it at all!
Monday, December 8, 2008
It's funny how some people can bring you up just to disappoint you later.
It's always about the drama.
I wonder if it because their life is so boring that they need to make up drama that isn't there just to entertain themselves.
Or that they can't help but find fault in someone else and constantly exploit it so they can feel better about themselves.
Whatever the case, it is old.
It's always about the drama.
I wonder if it because their life is so boring that they need to make up drama that isn't there just to entertain themselves.
Or that they can't help but find fault in someone else and constantly exploit it so they can feel better about themselves.
Whatever the case, it is old.
Friday, December 5, 2008
Mr. Smiles
I had a friend that lived by the credo: "People enter your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime."
I happen to believe this is true in many respects. However, I believe in my interpretation, not hers.
Her interpretation allowed her to live her life negatively. That life consisted of adultery, drugs and an all around recklessness towards herself and those unfortunate to be around her. This creed allowed her to live in denial, to believe that she wasn't selfish. Nothing she did could possibly be wrong because God, fate or the powers that be owed her. They would make up for the loss of her mother and the not so great childhood that was apart of her past.
People, to her, entered her life for a reason and a season; never a lifetime. She would not allow that to occur. She would make solid friendships with some only to destroy them years down the line. Then she would move and start all over again where people did not know her reputation, where they did not know her creed.
Her philosophy on life was a mutation, a deformity, a pestilence, a stain on the soul of an otherwise good person at heart.
I am proud that I believe people come into your life for a reason, a season AND a lifetime. I don't want seasonal aquaintances, I want long-lasting relationships. I want to grow older with people I love and respect. I want to remember life with them years down the line. I want to joke when we are older about the fun, crazy, stupid, emotional and outrageous memories we shared whether together or apart.
Life isn't about the reasons people come into our lives. It is about the reasons people stay in our lives. It's about the reasons there are seasons and lifetimes shared.
Almost everyone I've met has made a difference in whom I am today. Sometimes it was a negative difference but for the most part it has been a positive one. I love how random people can make me smile while having a brief chat, walking down the street or while helping them at work. The friendliness exuding from them is unequivocal. Eyes can say a lot but a smile, a genuine smile, speaks volumes. The eyes may be the window to our souls but a genuine smile is the unhinged latch. That unhinged latch allows for the possibility of something more. It allows for the contingency of hope.
Thank you Mr. Smiles for brightening my day.
I happen to believe this is true in many respects. However, I believe in my interpretation, not hers.
Her interpretation allowed her to live her life negatively. That life consisted of adultery, drugs and an all around recklessness towards herself and those unfortunate to be around her. This creed allowed her to live in denial, to believe that she wasn't selfish. Nothing she did could possibly be wrong because God, fate or the powers that be owed her. They would make up for the loss of her mother and the not so great childhood that was apart of her past.
People, to her, entered her life for a reason and a season; never a lifetime. She would not allow that to occur. She would make solid friendships with some only to destroy them years down the line. Then she would move and start all over again where people did not know her reputation, where they did not know her creed.
Her philosophy on life was a mutation, a deformity, a pestilence, a stain on the soul of an otherwise good person at heart.
I am proud that I believe people come into your life for a reason, a season AND a lifetime. I don't want seasonal aquaintances, I want long-lasting relationships. I want to grow older with people I love and respect. I want to remember life with them years down the line. I want to joke when we are older about the fun, crazy, stupid, emotional and outrageous memories we shared whether together or apart.
Life isn't about the reasons people come into our lives. It is about the reasons people stay in our lives. It's about the reasons there are seasons and lifetimes shared.
Almost everyone I've met has made a difference in whom I am today. Sometimes it was a negative difference but for the most part it has been a positive one. I love how random people can make me smile while having a brief chat, walking down the street or while helping them at work. The friendliness exuding from them is unequivocal. Eyes can say a lot but a smile, a genuine smile, speaks volumes. The eyes may be the window to our souls but a genuine smile is the unhinged latch. That unhinged latch allows for the possibility of something more. It allows for the contingency of hope.
Thank you Mr. Smiles for brightening my day.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
If There Was A Man
If There Was A Man
By: The Pretenders
If there was a man I could dream of,
I'd dream about a dream come true.
If there was a man I could ever love,
I'd wait a million years for someone just like you.
All my life I've been belated.
Never taking any chances...always hesitating.
Where's the payoff? Where's the glory?
Where's the one I'm holding out for?
Was he walking through the door,
The one that you walked through...if it isn`t you?
If there was a man I could dream of,
I'd dream about a dream come true.
If there was a man I could ever love,
I'd wait a million years for someone just like you.
Happy endings never find me!
I'd put all my fantasies and hopes of love behind me.
All my moments overdue but...
If there was a man out there for me
I wish it would be someone who could love me true
If someone was you.
By: The Pretenders
If there was a man I could dream of,
I'd dream about a dream come true.
If there was a man I could ever love,
I'd wait a million years for someone just like you.
All my life I've been belated.
Never taking any chances...always hesitating.
Where's the payoff? Where's the glory?
Where's the one I'm holding out for?
Was he walking through the door,
The one that you walked through...if it isn`t you?
If there was a man I could dream of,
I'd dream about a dream come true.
If there was a man I could ever love,
I'd wait a million years for someone just like you.
Happy endings never find me!
I'd put all my fantasies and hopes of love behind me.
All my moments overdue but...
If there was a man out there for me
I wish it would be someone who could love me true
If someone was you.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Is Jesus Your Pal
Is Jesus Your Pal?
by: Gus Gus
Is Jesus your pal?
Do you call out his name,
when your concience is shivering?
Do you need someone too,
just like those people who
find peace in someone's promises?
You sure don't need my promises...
So come and sit on my box,
enjoy the view of this water,
where my lifeboat is sinking.
If you open your eyes,
take a look at this mess,
could you fake your reflection, child?
If you reach out for more,
you'll find nothing but sorrow.
'Cause knowledge is hollow.
And pride is hard to swallow.
So come and sit on my box,
take a view of this water,
where my lifeboat is sinking.
by: Gus Gus
Is Jesus your pal?
Do you call out his name,
when your concience is shivering?
Do you need someone too,
just like those people who
find peace in someone's promises?
You sure don't need my promises...
So come and sit on my box,
enjoy the view of this water,
where my lifeboat is sinking.
If you open your eyes,
take a look at this mess,
could you fake your reflection, child?
If you reach out for more,
you'll find nothing but sorrow.
'Cause knowledge is hollow.
And pride is hard to swallow.
So come and sit on my box,
take a view of this water,
where my lifeboat is sinking.
Monday, November 3, 2008
No More
No more talking
just breathe.
No more thinking
just react.
No more believing
just know.
No more wasting
just live.
No more past
just a future.
No more reality.
just breathe.
No more thinking
just react.
No more believing
just know.
No more wasting
just live.
No more past
just a future.
No more reality.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Self Confidence
Forget what they say.
You’re all that matters.
You are more than their jealous ramblings can ever amount to.
More than what they can comprehend.
Don’t listen to the negative.
Listen to the constructive.
Exist in the affirmative.
Dwell in the beauty you know resides in your heart as well as in your progeny.
To them we are perfect.
Through you they learn that positive.
And through their excellence we gain our self confidence.
You’re all that matters.
You are more than their jealous ramblings can ever amount to.
More than what they can comprehend.
Don’t listen to the negative.
Listen to the constructive.
Exist in the affirmative.
Dwell in the beauty you know resides in your heart as well as in your progeny.
To them we are perfect.
Through you they learn that positive.
And through their excellence we gain our self confidence.
Disposable Cups
Why do we treat people like disposable cups?
To fill them up to the brim with our wants, our needs,
just to crumble them up and throw them away when something better comes along.
These cups of different shapes and sizes, made from different ingredients, different molds.
The champaign flutes,
the cups of plastic, of paper,
the bottles, the forty ouncers, the big gulps,
the glasses of martini, of wine,
the mugs, the snifters.
All different yet their purpose the same.
The elixir of life in its chalice, coveted by the greedy.
Your greed will be your downfall.
Sad you won’t realize it until we’re gone.
When you’re all alone.
When you’ve run out of options; out of vessels, out of victims.
Then you’ll wonder:
Why you treated your friends like disposable cups?
To fill them up to the brim with our wants, our needs,
just to crumble them up and throw them away when something better comes along.
These cups of different shapes and sizes, made from different ingredients, different molds.
The champaign flutes,
the cups of plastic, of paper,
the bottles, the forty ouncers, the big gulps,
the glasses of martini, of wine,
the mugs, the snifters.
All different yet their purpose the same.
The elixir of life in its chalice, coveted by the greedy.
Your greed will be your downfall.
Sad you won’t realize it until we’re gone.
When you’re all alone.
When you’ve run out of options; out of vessels, out of victims.
Then you’ll wonder:
Why you treated your friends like disposable cups?
Thursday, October 23, 2008
I used to say I didn't regret anything in my life.
I regret conveying secrets to unworthy ears.
I regret shedding unworthy tears.
I regret knowing unworthy people.
I regret.
I regret conveying secrets to unworthy ears.
I regret shedding unworthy tears.
I regret knowing unworthy people.
I regret.
I Thought I Saw Your Face Today
I Thought I Saw Your Face Today
By: She and Him
I thought I saw your face today
but I just turned my face away
Your face against the trees
but I just see the memories
as they come
as they come
And I couldn't help but fall in love again
No I couldn't help but fall in love again
I saw it glitter as I grew
and love did what I never knew
I thought this place was heaven sent
but now it's just a monument
in my mind
in my mind
And I couldn't help but fall in love again
No I couldn't help but fall in love again
The cars and freeways implore me to stay way out of this place
My mother said just keep your head and play it as it plays
The cars and freeways implore me to stay way out of this place
My mother said just keep your head and play it as it plays
I somehow see what's beautiful in things that are ephemeral
I'm my only friend, am I?
Love is just a piece of time
in the world
in the world
And I couldn't help but fall in love again
No I couldn't help but fall in love again
No I couldn't help but fall in love again
No I couldn't help but fall in love again
No I couldn't help but fall in love again
By: She and Him
I thought I saw your face today
but I just turned my face away
Your face against the trees
but I just see the memories
as they come
as they come
And I couldn't help but fall in love again
No I couldn't help but fall in love again
I saw it glitter as I grew
and love did what I never knew
I thought this place was heaven sent
but now it's just a monument
in my mind
in my mind
And I couldn't help but fall in love again
No I couldn't help but fall in love again
The cars and freeways implore me to stay way out of this place
My mother said just keep your head and play it as it plays
The cars and freeways implore me to stay way out of this place
My mother said just keep your head and play it as it plays
I somehow see what's beautiful in things that are ephemeral
I'm my only friend, am I?
Love is just a piece of time
in the world
in the world
And I couldn't help but fall in love again
No I couldn't help but fall in love again
No I couldn't help but fall in love again
No I couldn't help but fall in love again
No I couldn't help but fall in love again
Wash Away
Wash Away
by: Joe Purdy
I got troubles oh, but not today
Cause they're gonna wash away
They're gonna wash away
And I have sins Lord, but not today
Cause they're gonna wash away
They're gonna wash away
And I had friends oh, but not today
Cause they're done washed away
They're done washed away
And oh, I've been cryin'
And oh, I've been cryin'
And oh, no more cryin'
No, no more cryin' here
We get along Lord, but not today
Cause we gonna wash away
We gonna wash away
And I got troubles oh, but not today
Cause they gonna wash away
This old heart gonna take them away
by: Joe Purdy
I got troubles oh, but not today
Cause they're gonna wash away
They're gonna wash away
And I have sins Lord, but not today
Cause they're gonna wash away
They're gonna wash away
And I had friends oh, but not today
Cause they're done washed away
They're done washed away
And oh, I've been cryin'
And oh, I've been cryin'
And oh, no more cryin'
No, no more cryin' here
We get along Lord, but not today
Cause we gonna wash away
We gonna wash away
And I got troubles oh, but not today
Cause they gonna wash away
This old heart gonna take them away
I can't deal with the negativity.
I'm trying to stay as positive as I can.
There's a risk of shattering when putting more pressure on an already fragile object.
I'm trying to stay as positive as I can.
There's a risk of shattering when putting more pressure on an already fragile object.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The day is radiant.
The night is opaque.
Twilight pervades them both but you infuse the colors in that sublime setting,
almost iridescent in its beauty.
The air warms as it envelopes your presence,
drifting precariously through your aura.
You traverse through destiny though it is manifest
and it gets better every moment we're together.
You who have meandered into this life;
for it is because of you I shine.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Kami's questions to the studio audience #1
Why have I never had a boyfriend?
Is it because I "set the bar too high"?
Or is it because I am "friend material"?
Or maybe it is because I am a loser and am uglier than ugly betty after she got ran over by a bus full of Britney Spears fans?
If you responded yes to any of these, I HATE you. I HATE you long time!
The Thing About Love
by: Alicia Keys
Love will come find you
Just to remind you
Of who you are
Hold on
It will forsake you
Threaten to break you
Take what you got
Everybody laughs
Everybody cries
Sure it could hurt you baby
But give it a lil try
See that's the thing about love
Sometimes will blind you
Sneak up behind you
You cant give enough
Then life
It will embrace you
Totally amaze you
So you don't give up
Everybody laughs
Everybody cries
Sure it could hurt you baby
But give it a lil try
See that's the thing about love
Don't tell me that i'm not the only that's going thru it all
Ohhh sometimes I feel like i'm the only that's going thru it all
But its time
Oh its time
For me to shine
Its my time
Oh its time
For me to shine
Its my time
Said its my time
For me to shine
Its my time
Its bout time
For me to shine
Everybody laughs
Everybody cries
Sure it could hurt u baby
But give it a lil try
That's the thing about love
That's the thing about love
That's the thing about
That's the thing about love
Is it because I "set the bar too high"?
Or is it because I am "friend material"?
Or maybe it is because I am a loser and am uglier than ugly betty after she got ran over by a bus full of Britney Spears fans?
If you responded yes to any of these, I HATE you. I HATE you long time!
The Thing About Love
by: Alicia Keys
Love will come find you
Just to remind you
Of who you are
Hold on
It will forsake you
Threaten to break you
Take what you got
Everybody laughs
Everybody cries
Sure it could hurt you baby
But give it a lil try
See that's the thing about love
Sometimes will blind you
Sneak up behind you
You cant give enough
Then life
It will embrace you
Totally amaze you
So you don't give up
Everybody laughs
Everybody cries
Sure it could hurt you baby
But give it a lil try
See that's the thing about love
Don't tell me that i'm not the only that's going thru it all
Ohhh sometimes I feel like i'm the only that's going thru it all
But its time
Oh its time
For me to shine
Its my time
Oh its time
For me to shine
Its my time
Said its my time
For me to shine
Its my time
Its bout time
For me to shine
Everybody laughs
Everybody cries
Sure it could hurt u baby
But give it a lil try
That's the thing about love
That's the thing about love
That's the thing about
That's the thing about love
I know....... I know
I know it's been a long time since I've updated here. I'm lazy. That's all I have to say. I don't even know why I am writing this right now. No one actually reads or even looks at this site. Maybe this is therapeutic for me. I can just write down what's in my random head or post pictures that I like.
I can actually do anything and say anything and no one is going to read it. (Unless I get hunted down by the FBI and they investigate all my online actions. Gasp! Delete the midget porn! Deleting deleting deleted. Sigh. Now onto the hard drive....)
I can say things like Grey's Anatomy sucks ass! I'm kinda attracted to AD Skinner on The X-Files. Jessica Simpson is really annoying. Brunettes rule! I have acquired a taste for beer. McCaine has crazy KKK eyes. BET is annoying in their portrayals of Black people. I really can't stand Puerto Ricans because they think they can sing. Oh no I didn't! :)
Anyways, if anyone out there reads this, I do appreciate it. This whole blog is an insight into my thoughts, an insight into my wants and an insight into my feelings.
The majority of people that I know do not think I am very open with my thoughts, wants, or feelings. My response is that I find it hard to open up about them. I am a very open-minded individual. I pride myself on that characteristic. I like to think of myself as optimistic but I know I have pessimistic qualities that like to rise up from the depths of my despair. A despair of never finding someone that can truly understand me. A despair of never really feeling as if I belong to any group of people but lost to filter in and out of realities.
Okay, I've gotta stop now. I think I sound emo and I HATE emo!
Some of the guys are cute though.......
P.S. I wish my grass was emo, so it would cut itself. (Thanks Ron-Mon!)
I can actually do anything and say anything and no one is going to read it. (Unless I get hunted down by the FBI and they investigate all my online actions. Gasp! Delete the midget porn! Deleting deleting deleted. Sigh. Now onto the hard drive....)
I can say things like Grey's Anatomy sucks ass! I'm kinda attracted to AD Skinner on The X-Files. Jessica Simpson is really annoying. Brunettes rule! I have acquired a taste for beer. McCaine has crazy KKK eyes. BET is annoying in their portrayals of Black people. I really can't stand Puerto Ricans because they think they can sing. Oh no I didn't! :)
Anyways, if anyone out there reads this, I do appreciate it. This whole blog is an insight into my thoughts, an insight into my wants and an insight into my feelings.
The majority of people that I know do not think I am very open with my thoughts, wants, or feelings. My response is that I find it hard to open up about them. I am a very open-minded individual. I pride myself on that characteristic. I like to think of myself as optimistic but I know I have pessimistic qualities that like to rise up from the depths of my despair. A despair of never finding someone that can truly understand me. A despair of never really feeling as if I belong to any group of people but lost to filter in and out of realities.
Okay, I've gotta stop now. I think I sound emo and I HATE emo!
Some of the guys are cute though.......
P.S. I wish my grass was emo, so it would cut itself. (Thanks Ron-Mon!)
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Monday, June 16, 2008
Friday, June 13, 2008
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Monday, June 9, 2008
Friday, June 6, 2008
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
I like to take things out of context....
Scene: Sandi talking about why when she put the pencil into the electric pencil sharpener it didn't sharpen the pencil.
Sandi: "That's the problem. It stops when you put it all the way in."
Kamia: "And nobody likes that."
Sandi: "Oh geez."
Sandi: "That's the problem. It stops when you put it all the way in."
Kamia: "And nobody likes that."
Sandi: "Oh geez."
I hate when toilet seats are left up. I freakin hate that. I don't want to touch the toilet seat to put it back down. I don't know what bacteria/ disease was on your hands when you touched it. I don't want to have to constantly feel as if I have some unknown supergerm on my hands that'll eat my skin away like some flesh eating bacteria. Disgusting. You bend down to lift the seat, you bend down again to flush the bastard, why the hell can't you bend again and put the seat back the way you found it?
What’s even more disgusting is the fact that I’m sure you would immediately touch the toilet seat right after you touched yourself to put it down. WTF!! You just touched yourself! Why the hell would you touch the seat right after? Why would you touch the toilet seat lever? Ugh! Wash your hands first then put the seat down and then wash again. It takes less than a minute you sick A-holes.
That just makes what I say even more valid. Why would I want to have to put a toilet seat down if I don’t know if the punk before me washed his hands before they touched anything? What if one of the F’ers that actually had the common decency to put the toilet seat down after they were done was a complete f’ing idiot and had neglected to wash their hands before they did so? I don’t want to touch anything that you or someone else touched after touching their wee wee. Gross!
I hate people.
What’s even more disgusting is the fact that I’m sure you would immediately touch the toilet seat right after you touched yourself to put it down. WTF!! You just touched yourself! Why the hell would you touch the seat right after? Why would you touch the toilet seat lever? Ugh! Wash your hands first then put the seat down and then wash again. It takes less than a minute you sick A-holes.
That just makes what I say even more valid. Why would I want to have to put a toilet seat down if I don’t know if the punk before me washed his hands before they touched anything? What if one of the F’ers that actually had the common decency to put the toilet seat down after they were done was a complete f’ing idiot and had neglected to wash their hands before they did so? I don’t want to touch anything that you or someone else touched after touching their wee wee. Gross!
I hate people.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Monday, May 19, 2008
The Giant and I

Little giant you scare me so,
with your screechy voice and your gangsta fro.
You are so cute but big for 3,
the LOST monster you remind me of, I do decree.
Bossy aren't you? A bully will unfurl,
I swear you will be like that blonde in Mean Girls.
The boys will all want you when you grow up,
Just make sure before you marry one, you get a prenupt;
Cause I know you will be famous one day, perhaps another Halle Berry?
Of course without a Monster's Ball film, now that's freakin scary.
Remain cute and adorable and hold your head up high,
cause those other girls are chicken heads but you, you're so fly.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
On Friday, June 13, 2008 someone will watch too many horror movies, so many in fact that the horror movies will merge with our dimension creating a reality where the inconceivable will occur. The one who holds the heart shaped necklace with the sapphire stone in the middle is the one who will bring the monsters forth. Once this happens all hell will break loose. Only the individual in control of the necklace can set the world right. Will they succeed or perish with all the others...
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Saturday, May 10, 2008

no more bullying
enough of dramatics
i did not sign up for any course
oscillation is constant
devoid of emotional commitment to all
it is certain
i am not making it up
it is real
i just do not care
the world still rotates
it is sad that you do not believe
my way is easier
i have tried everyone elses
i have to be true to my ways
i am not closed minded
i am tired
my world is safe
that place for me and the characters i have allowed to be important to me
they do not disappoint
they are always there inside my head
they understand
this dream wonderland
they entertain me
that chimerical space
the anxiety
the anger
the circles of pressure enveloping
clouding the vision
overwhelming heat
inside my head
it is not hard to enter but each entrance has a price
they do not understand why i must enter each time
misunderstanding, misjudged, misconstrued
i will not be their clown
the show is not for free
you are not better
i am not melodramatic
just multifaceted
i listen
do you
does anyone
let me
Friday, April 18, 2008
G.I. Joe Awesomo!
I really can't wait for the movie now!
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Friday, March 14, 2008
Bushisms 2
"Do you have blacks too?"
-To Brazilian president Fernando Henrique Cardoso; Washington D.C.; November 8,2001
-To Brazilian president Fernando Henrique Cardoso; Washington D.C.; November 8,2001
Deep Thoughts with John Handey #2
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
One of my wedding reception songs
Finally Forever
by: Chris Cornell
On the silent night so out of place
I almost lost my nerve
When I saw you walk into my space
A woman like you I could not replace
And it took some patience to catch your eye
Patience to win your heart
Now it feels like I don't have to worry at all
It's finally forever
There's no hill I would not climb for you
No bridge I wouldn't cross
Not a moment passes in my life
That you're not on my mind
Together or apart
And it took some patience to catch your eye
Patience to win your heart
Now it feels like I don't have to worry at all
It's finally forever
Anytime you're lost
Anywhere you're found
Anytime you want
I will be around
Anywhere you seek
Anywhere you stand
Anytime you fall
Anywhere you limp
Even if you break
Anytime I can I will be there for you
I know that you'll understand
You'll understand
Now I never would have imagined this
So I thank my lucky stars
As I see you in your wedding dress
Never would have guessed you'd fill my open arms
And it took some patience to catch your eye
Patience to win your heart
Now it feels like I don't have to worry at all
Yeah it feels like I don't have to worry at all
Yeah it feels like I don't have to worry at all
It's finally forever
Finally forever
by: Chris Cornell
On the silent night so out of place
I almost lost my nerve
When I saw you walk into my space
A woman like you I could not replace
And it took some patience to catch your eye
Patience to win your heart
Now it feels like I don't have to worry at all
It's finally forever
There's no hill I would not climb for you
No bridge I wouldn't cross
Not a moment passes in my life
That you're not on my mind
Together or apart
And it took some patience to catch your eye
Patience to win your heart
Now it feels like I don't have to worry at all
It's finally forever
Anytime you're lost
Anywhere you're found
Anytime you want
I will be around
Anywhere you seek
Anywhere you stand
Anytime you fall
Anywhere you limp
Even if you break
Anytime I can I will be there for you
I know that you'll understand
You'll understand
Now I never would have imagined this
So I thank my lucky stars
As I see you in your wedding dress
Never would have guessed you'd fill my open arms
And it took some patience to catch your eye
Patience to win your heart
Now it feels like I don't have to worry at all
Yeah it feels like I don't have to worry at all
Yeah it feels like I don't have to worry at all
It's finally forever
Finally forever
Chris Cornell,
Finally Forever,
Deep Thoughts with John Handey
If you're in a war, instead of throwing a hand grenade at the enemy, throw one of those small pumpkins. Maybe it will make everyone think how stupid war is. And while they are thinking that, you can throw a real grenade at them.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Three Shots up for grabs

Today I went to BevMo to pick up 4 mini alcohol bottles for Megan, Chris, Emmanuel and I. I bought a mini smirnoff, a mini raspberry smirnoff, a mini absolut raspberry and a mini absolut mandarin. Of course the mini raspberry smirnoff was mine.
I text messaged the three which bottles they wanted, first come first served. Megan responded first. This is very scary since she is a nurse. I guess it was a slow day. Either that or someone may be dead out there. Anyways, she asked for the absolut raspberry. I kinda assumed she would because it is a girly drink.
What's funny is that Chris text messaged next but he too asked for the raspberry one. My first thought was: "what a pansy." Therefore, I told him it had already been taken. His response was: "Bogus, I'll take whatever then. I hate Megan. I'll drink her soul."
I don't know why he thinks he can drink peoples souls but we all just humor him.
This all took place at 3:51pm.
Conversation over right? Wait, what about Emmanuel? Well I received a text from him 8:30pm. Remember that first come first served thing? He asked for the raspberry too, so that's 2 pansy asses. I wonder which one J.R. would of picked if he was in the running.....
Badly worded phrase numero 2
So, at work today we were talking about marking down some of the books we sell in the store. I was explaining to Arlene the process and for some reason I have lost the ability to speak properly.
I said, "What aisle are we doing mark downing."
To which Sandi replied, "Who is this Mark Downing and who's supposed to do him?"
Arlene not understanding said, "When are we going to start the pulling out process?"
To which Sandi wanted to say, "Pulling Mark Downing out wouldn't be nice."
Yes, this is what goes on in a bookstore.
I said, "What aisle are we doing mark downing."
To which Sandi replied, "Who is this Mark Downing and who's supposed to do him?"
Arlene not understanding said, "When are we going to start the pulling out process?"
To which Sandi wanted to say, "Pulling Mark Downing out wouldn't be nice."
Yes, this is what goes on in a bookstore.
Monday, February 25, 2008
Sunday, February 24, 2008
WTF Moment of the week
Alone in the Dark sucks major ass!!!!! Why does Uwe Boll still make movies? Really?? WTF? It just doesn't get badder than this.
Why the movie sucks:
1. The scientist made a mchine that 'calibrated the monster's movements'.......I swear the machine looked like a Nintendo Gameboy SP.
2. Why is Christian Slater narrarating the whole movie?
3. Why is there an introduction at the beginning of the movie that is 5 minutes long?
4. Tara Reids' acting makes me feel like a rock scientist.
5. Cliche, cliche, cliche
6. Was there really a need for a sex scene? Hells no!
7. If the monsters only come out at night or in the dark (hence title) why the hell were they attacking people in the light. Did the writers and director somehow forget that this was a main characteristic for the movie?
8. My butt itches, I don't know why, I took a shower.
9. It grossed $2,834,421 in its opening weekend. The budget was $20,000,000.
10. The runtime was 96 minutes, 96 minutes too long.
What I can't believe is this, despite all the criticism, a sequel is set for 2009.
How the hell does this happen. I've been waiting for an X-Files sequel for 10 years and this trash gets one! Someone shoot me now.
Why the movie sucks:
1. The scientist made a mchine that 'calibrated the monster's movements'.......I swear the machine looked like a Nintendo Gameboy SP.
2. Why is Christian Slater narrarating the whole movie?
3. Why is there an introduction at the beginning of the movie that is 5 minutes long?
4. Tara Reids' acting makes me feel like a rock scientist.
5. Cliche, cliche, cliche
6. Was there really a need for a sex scene? Hells no!
7. If the monsters only come out at night or in the dark (hence title) why the hell were they attacking people in the light. Did the writers and director somehow forget that this was a main characteristic for the movie?
8. My butt itches, I don't know why, I took a shower.
9. It grossed $2,834,421 in its opening weekend. The budget was $20,000,000.
10. The runtime was 96 minutes, 96 minutes too long.
What I can't believe is this, despite all the criticism, a sequel is set for 2009.
How the hell does this happen. I've been waiting for an X-Files sequel for 10 years and this trash gets one! Someone shoot me now.
Saturday, February 23, 2008
A blog for Rich

This is to Rich on his 25th birthday February 24th 2008. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! You are the most hardcore human being ever. You are the definition of x-treme. I've never met a more hardcore Marine, and you're not gay! Ubercool. I don't care that you look kinda like Chad Michael Murray from One Tree Hill, you're still cool. The end.
My Life in a bookstore
"This country is no longer a democracy it's a totalitarian regime. I'm catholic and people who believe in birth control are heretics. It's all heresy. If you don't speak you mind then those people who hate freedom of speech win!" (crazy fanatic guy in the store)
"Are you saying birth control is bad?......" (little, sweet old Scottish woman)
"SHUT UP! Your opinion doesn't matter go back to your own country and leave America to Americans." (crazy fanatic guy in the store)
"What's the problem here?" (me)
"She needs to go back to her own country and stop screwing up America. That's the problem. Immigrants!" (crazy fanatic guy in the store)
"But aren't we all immigrants to this country." (me)
"I'm not an immigrant. I was born here." (crazy fanatic guy in the store)
"But....this country is made up of immigrants. Umm, Ellis Island....." (me)
"Are you saying birth control is bad?......" (little, sweet old Scottish woman)
"SHUT UP! Your opinion doesn't matter go back to your own country and leave America to Americans." (crazy fanatic guy in the store)
"What's the problem here?" (me)
"She needs to go back to her own country and stop screwing up America. That's the problem. Immigrants!" (crazy fanatic guy in the store)
"But aren't we all immigrants to this country." (me)
"I'm not an immigrant. I was born here." (crazy fanatic guy in the store)
"But....this country is made up of immigrants. Umm, Ellis Island....." (me)
Bushisms 1
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
9.4.06 Coronado Bonfire
Scar On The Sky
by: Chris Cornell
As I fall I leave a scar upon the sky
A simple note for you I wait for your reply
And in your answer I regain my will to try
So hover in the diving light
And we will rip the night
Out of the arms of the sun
One more time
Close your eyes and we will fly
Above the crowded sky
And over the dumbstruck world we will run
In these hills they wash the gold and graves away
To the valley under all of this I lay
And there you dig me out unearthed and saved
So hover in the diving light
And we will rip the night
Out of the arms of the sun
One more time
Close your eyes and we will fly
Above the crowded sky
And over the dumbstruck world we will run
We can rip the night, out of the arms of the sun
A blood red feather leaves a scar upon my hand
No longer stranded like a painted bird on a fan
So hover in the diving light
And we will rip the night
Out of the arms of the sun
One more time
Close your eyes and we will fly
Above the crowded sky
And over the dumbstruck world we will run
We can rip the night, out of the arms of the sun
Nostalgia 1: Countdown initiated
Puts a smile on my face everytime.
Care Bear Countdown, 4, 3, 2, 1
Who's that comin' from somewhere up in the sky?
Moving fast and bright as a firefly
Just when you think the trouble's gonna pounce
Who's gonna be there when it really counts?
Do the Care Bear Countdown
And send a wish out through the air
Just do the Care Bear Countdown
When you need them they'll be there
Don't be afraid when trouble's brewin' in your heart
If you can dream just send a wish out in the dark
And do the Care Bear's Countdown 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
Care Bear Countdown, 4, 3, 2, 1
Who's that comin' from somewhere up in the sky?
Moving fast and bright as a firefly
Just when you think the trouble's gonna pounce
Who's gonna be there when it really counts?
Do the Care Bear Countdown
And send a wish out through the air
Just do the Care Bear Countdown
When you need them they'll be there
Don't be afraid when trouble's brewin' in your heart
If you can dream just send a wish out in the dark
And do the Care Bear's Countdown 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Badly worded phrase numero 1
"They shouldn't of said they were going to come if they were planning on pulling out."
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